"With this CD you get a ticket for a train with it´s final destination
in the wonderful imaginary land of Psyberia."
This CD was released mid February, 2012, it contains 11 very psychedelic songs, and it´s super-good value for your money. And your not wasting your time with this one either! The label is called Unlimited Music and is based in Russia. It was started by Fungus Funk aka Sergio Prilepa as his way to support local and international acts by releasing music with a "cutting edge psychedelic sound". All the songs has a quite distinct sound and after a few listens, you learn to hear the differences between the different artists. The compilation is by far the best one I´ve heard for a couple of months, especially since it is very even, and there is no song that is really shit. The best songs are:
2. Asimillion - Timmy Jimmy Timmah - with a heavy base, and really weird intense lead in the beginning, but after a break complete with samples from South Park, it really breaks loose with a jumpy morphing lead
3. Whiptongue - Robotic Inc. - monotonic and minimal but with weird scifi-sounds and some crunchy sounds talking with each other; after awhile even more twisted psychedelic leads filling all sound-spectras, and with an intenese, playful ending with leads turning you inside out
6. Sorrowmurk - Ticket To Siberia - electronic soundbursts leaving you no time to breathe, a high level of intensity in every part but also a pinch of melancholy in the melodies floating in and out. An electified, psychedelic haven with a somewhat funky edge to it
7. Dirty Saffi Vs Synthetic Chaos - Skulls And Bones - Bam! Right in the kisser! Crunchy, twisted psychedelic mayhem
8. Fungus Funk & Sorrowmurk - Number One - the tempo and many of the sounds and leads, the psychedelic flashes of noise, and the intense soundscape is flirting with a more dark psychedelic sound, whereas the singing children, and the sad pads fills the air with mystic and takes us deeper
matt-in-orbit 2012
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